Zendar mount and blade
Zendar mount and blade

zendar mount and blade

Doing this grants the player character free stat points and a unique helmet. Given the setting, it would make the protagonist being a Pragmatic Hero at best. You'd still be allowed to loot graves, eat corpses, and raid villages though. Most of the new companions would be impossible to hire, too. It means that neither the Necronomicon nor crafting nor neither undead or demon summoning would be available. To be more accurate, it is a Self-Imposed Challenge which requires to reach level 30 without talking to the Bloodfountain.

zendar mount and blade

Anti-Hero: The player character becomes one if he stays out of necromancy for enough time.And I Must Scream: Fortunato is the ghost of a nobleman entombed in a crypt beneath Praven.Feel free to take a swing at it and should you decide to go forth and work on it, then you'll have my blessing for that. I haven't heard Eo's take on it but instead of letting it gather dust or deleting the files, I've opted to share it all with you lot on TWCenter. The most recent files are located in the Zendarcreation folder but since we hadn't fully integrated Zendar into the mod yet they may not be compatible with the mod folder. We intended to have a resurgent faction in the form of Zendar, which used to be a Mount and Blade faction but was later removed from the game. One with the mod and the other one called Zendarcreation. All villages and such are present and some of the large features can be found in earlier posts. I've decided that at this point my motivation sits at a very low point and instead of abandoning the mod I've chosen to share what I've got thus far.Īll factions are playable, have fleshed out unit rosters but weren't set in stone yet so balance might be off. I've done some work on it but the game started crashing without saying anything about the cause in the system.log. It has been a while since anything has been done for the mod.

Zendar mount and blade